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Advisory Note:

These testimonials have been edited for confidentiality reasons and published to show the types of  counselling we offer and the positive outcomes clients have reported. Any aspects within them should not be used to draw similarities or conclusions for self help. Please seek professional help from us or any other qualified accredited therapist or healthcare professional.

Thank you!

Professional Couple

We were on the brink of divorce and Allison helped us to see the bigger picture. We finally had the space to properly understand each other through Allison's diligent facilitation of the sessions. She gave us the control we needed back in our lives to start to fall in love again, function properly and enjoy each other again as a married couple. 

Thank you Allison.

Female Student

I felt comfortable talking about my worries and concerns and that anything has a resolution to it if I allow myself to do it. It helped me to get things in perspective and to value myself.

Married Couple 

We were fighting, bickering, arguing, whatever you want to call it, I think ‘conflict’ is the therapy word. We had stopped communicating, we’d talk but we weren’t really talking. We were just noise and inconvenience to each other. As for the other stuff, you know, again the therapy word is intimacy, we had just got as distant and far away from each other as possible.
We did have a good start to our marriage, and we’ve been together for over 20 years and knew we had to do something and not just throw it all away.
We are so glad we found Allison, she is an absolute delight and certainly makes you work if you really want to reach any kind of valuable outcome.
We are now communicating at a level we had never thought possible. I think that we had reached a stage and just needed help in entering the next stage of married life. It was all about us for the first few years the rest has been about career, mortgage, and the kids. Not that we don’t love our children, but we had become - in the main - parents and forgot how to be a couple.
Allison has helped us so much; we could have so easily lost everything. We are intimate again and have learned that the whole thing is intrinsically linked. We communicate verbally in a deeper way, and we tell each other so much more in physical, non-verbal ways not just in bed but in our actions in everyday life in what we do for each other.
Thank you so much Allison, you’re a true gem!

Single Adult Female

I didn’t know that anxiety was worrying on overdrive. There’s a lot around about it, it seems like everybody has got something to be ‘anxious’ about and basically most of it is everyday worries that we all just deal with.
I was not dealing with it well. If you palm it off and say to me “oh, just stop worrying” you be very wrong when I end up on the floor in front of you unable to breath feeling like someone is standing on my chest and gasping for air. No, don’t say its asthma because my lungs are as clear and as full as an airship.
Counselling helped me to understand what was happening to me and Allison provided me with lots of helpful strategies to help combat this. It hasn’t been easy – living with anxiety isn’t easy! But I do think that I am beginning to get a handle on it.
Thank you Allison!

Single Adult Male

I’d always prided myself on achieving, I didn’t realise that I was putting myself under a lot of pressure. Counselling has helped me become more self-accepting to value myself for who I am regardless of my achievements. I am still achieving my goals, but I no longer feel so driven and I am free to enjoy everyday life for what it is. They say that once in a while you need to get out and smell the roses, I was running so fast that I was just breathing to stay alive let alone appreciate anything normal in life.
I think freedom from my own brain’s demands sums it up, thank you Allison for all your help.

Single Adult Male

I thank Allison because I have my life back now, I couldn’t sleep, eat, or even just feel a normal level of mood. Counselling with Allison helped me to recognise how my thinking was affecting my life. She taught me how to challenge my thinking and things began to change. 
Counselling has given the space to really look at what was happening to me. I thought I was just a bit of a worrier and thought things over a bit more than others, I passed this off as being a considerate person and one that could actually think better than others.
I have a bit of a way to go and need to carry on practicing what I have learned and practiced in sessions. What’s great now is I am not reliant on counselling; I know it’s there if I need to go back but Allison’s way has created confidence in me to be able to dig myself out of it rather than having a dependent relationship with a counsellor.
I have super appreciation for you Allison, amazing!

Female Pupil

I found counselling very useful as I have been able to say what I needed to say. I needed somebody to talk to and that's not easy to find when you are so young.

Professional Couple

Allison helped us draw the lines in our life together to protect our marriage. That sounds funny but Allison taught us that our marriage is the most paramount and precious thing and that all else must come second to that. Family can be the best thing to have around you and the worst, we didn’t realise that our marriage had turned into a shape that we’d allowed others to make it.
Allison helped us reframe our life together, value ourselves and our marriage, strengthen the bonds we had made which has made our relationship grow into something we never thought possible. We were ready to kick it all in, we really didn’t know what was going on, that’s when you need outside fresh eyes, that’s the beauty of counselling, it is non-judgemental, accepting and freedom giving to explore exactly what is going on. This is the total opposite of what sometimes the extended family gives you, they mean well and really it can be down to you and what role you are still playing rather than being a grown up and getting on being a husband or wife first.
We have learned so much and not just learned but been challenged to put it into practice which has produced good fruit and a continuing marriage.
Thank you!

Professional Adult Male

I have managed to move on with my life because of Allison's help.

She is clear on how to use strategies and tailors them to be a best fit. I say this because she considered all aspects of my circumstances before helping me arrive at the best way forward.

Bereaved Husband

No one can ever prepare you for the loss of your wife. Allison has supported me for a over a year now and I don't know what I would have done without her help, support, listening ear, guidance and well... everything really!

Adult Female

Allison is nothing short of amazing!


She really allowed me to explore my feelings, emotions, experiences and decisions within a safe, supportive and comfortable environment. Each session developed a new layer of trust between us, which really helped to cover a lot. I would highly recommend her services and look forward to having more sessions with her in the future.

Female Pupil

When I first started, my head was everywhere and I had dark thoughts. But since I have had counselling, over time, I feel like I've gotten stronger and the dark thoughts are going away.​

Male Pupil

Allison helped create basic foundations of self-worth, how I should focus on my successes and not so much on failures, while still taking accountability to improve upon them.

Male Pupil

Counselling is good because they don't tell anyone what you say, once you have spoken about it you feel much better.

Married Couple 

It may not seem like the best thing to hear in a testimonial but we found out that counselling is really trying to find a way to frame things so they can be displayed or packed away neatly.
For us we were not sure and wrestled to find agreement on anything, Allison helped us so much in working our way through to closure. Believe us when we say that the best way with this was to neatly pack it away and bring closure by separating and that it was the best thing for everyone.
We are both very happy now and able to move on with our lives. We are very thankful for the married life we had, Allison helped us to see this, and we can keep our minds on that now for the sake of us all. We have children and it is because of the way we separated amicably through Allison’s help we are still able to relate and help our children grow despite us being divorced. We have released each other emotional too through direct verbal declaration to each other to pursue new relationships. Even though that’s legally what divorce does, it really is so clinical and really doesn’t solve anything near what counselling can do.

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